
Posts Tagged ‘Light’

Ego Skies

Ego Skies

Some days we awaken to sunshine and the reality of the Divine Love that pulsates within us. Most days we exit our slumbers to feel a cloud lie over the landscape of our being; a psycho-spiritual layer that is neither joyous nor depressing, just ordinary. Living in these apparently physical  bodies in the midst of a soul filtered reality, ordinary usually seems the norm. Yet high above the cloud cover of our day-to-day lives lies a great Mystery, a Source whose desire has birthed our oft plodding journey from birth to old age and beyond.

So why are things so ordinary and often boringly difficult?

Well I reckon that Divine Love has allowed it to be that way. Please let me explain. The cloud cover in question is the sunscreen of ego, that which mischievously blocks out the Timeless Rays of Divine Source. To permanently live in the manifestation of the One we call God would be to burn up, leaving only the spirit spark deposited in the oyster shell of our sense of Being. Allowing ego to do its thing is actually a blessing in disguise. Of course ego doesn’t see its power plays being utilised and integrated into the Divine Will. It believes itself to be a rebel who will one day do away with Source for good, creating a well-rounded and independent human being. Yet even this delusion is allowed for it drives ego in its frantic efforts to be free.

No, Divine Love, is quite happy for us to pass many of our days under the cloud cover of ego’s ways as we journey through life.


Well, given time and space ego will drive us to our knees, exhausted by its efforts to control and regulate our psycho-spiritual health. At the appropriate time, our personal cloud will break, if only temporarily, to allow the shocking Light to break into the dark, lonely caverns of the Soul. Ego is powerless against the Light, the contact of Source and sourced. Once touched by the heat of the Divine Fire, there is no longer a mundane, boring life struggle, for we have seen what lies Beyond.

As ego recovers to spin its yarns of superheated imagination and spiritual delusion we can afford a wry smile. No longer are we trapped under the power of its ‘ordinary’ spin, for now we know. We are not ordinary. We are the offspring of Ultimate Reality. Such a knowledge cannot be learned or accumulated from religious or spiritual texts, nor their interpretive dispensers. It has to be experienced.

Thankfully, Divine Love is content to wait its time. No frustration lies within the Heart of the One we call God. So let’s embrace our ordinariness today as we experience our ego spun illusion, knowing that we know better. We have seen as we are seen and carry within us the eyes of a New World, that referred to as ‘The Kingdom/Queendom’ by the One who claimed ‘I Am the Light of the World’. 

Have a great day! 🙂



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In these dark, somewhat dismal days of winter our appreciation for the balmy sunlit days of summer knows no bounds. In the darkness we yearn for the light and warmth of Nature’s greatest gift, that burning gaseous globe, aptly known as ‘sun’.

As with our space-time environment so too with our inner world and its accompanying darkness. In the gloomy caverns of our wounded psyche-soul, we seek a Light, one to relieve us of our heaviness of spirit. The trinkets offered by the commercial and social world of man don’t do it for us, leaving us with a yearning for something deeply authentic and pure.

I believe this balm to be the illumination of Divine Love, the Source Light from which the spark of our Being has sprung.

When the Light touches us we know it. A resonance reverberates around our inner Self, one that cries ‘Yes’ to the approaches of Spirit Breath. A knowing enters our unknowing Self, an inspiration that rings true to the very roots of our deepest core. We have touched base with the ‘Other’, that previously hidden Light that energizes us with its own Life and Light.

We cannot receive this illumination by our ego efforts to study and focus on the one known as God. It is a gift, but one that is given freely to those with an open and honest heart. It’s worth is more than all the silver and gold of men, a priceless sense that all is well and shall be well. A transfused trust that a greater Reality and indeed a greater Being lies behind this vale of tears.

May we all have these flashes of illumination in the new year approaching. May they initiate us into a new sense of Self, our fellow-man and most importantly of all our Divine Lover.






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The Mysticism of John

The Mysticism of John

‘In beginning was the Tao/Logos

And the Tao/Logos was toward God ……..

All was coming into being through it

And apart from it nothing has yet come into being …..

In it was life

And the life was the light of humanity.

And the light is appearing in the darkness

And the darkness grasped it not.’

John ~ the Beloved

In today’s post I wish to revisit some well-known words accredited to the Johannine stream of the early Yeshua movement, hopefully opening them up to a broader and more exciting take on the Mystery that is the Godhead.

In beginning was the Tao/Logos

And the Tao/Logos was toward God ……..

Outside space-time there is no beginning as such. Was the writer referring here to the timeless Eternal Now where Divine Love dwells or just is? Or is he alluding to the beginning of space-time itself? Either way, he seems to suggest that the Creative Intelligence or Organising Principle of Chinese and Greek philosophical thought is the great Constant in what we perceive to be existence. The Tao/Logos always was and in some strange relational way constantly gazes into the face of Divine Love itself. This mysterious connection and directional flow of life appears to be central to all that the writer goes on to expound.

All was coming into being through it

And apart from it nothing has yet come into being …..

All that exists outside this Eternal Essence is birthed and continues to have its being in and through its Divine Self. Nothing lies outside its Organisational Mind and Creative Energy. Everything that truly is hangs on the transcendent coat stand of its Being.

In it was life

And the life was the light of humanity.

Life, whatever life truly is, finds its origins in the Tao/Logos. It is the womb from which this consciousness that we call life has emerged. In some mysterious way there exists a deep union between life and light. In our space-time world light is a must for the propagation of life. In Ultimate Reality, the Divine Life reveals its Presence as Light, a Light that is meant for the spiritual eyes of mankind; a Divine radiance that targets the heart of humanity.

And the light is appearing in the darkness

And the darkness grasped it not.

Where does darkness dwell but in the fragmented psyche of our inner self? Does darkness have any independent existence apart from our wounded souls. Is it real as the Tao/Logos is real. Or is it a virtual reality dream world created by the trauma of withdrawn love. Whatever its essence it is impossible for such darkness to keep Divine Light at bay. Once it has decided to shine the Light of the Tao/Logos can enter the world of our psychic darkness at will. Yet if we cling to the inner darkness that promises to protect us from further rejection and psychic wounding we can remain blind to the revelation of Ultimate Reality via the ever-present Light. Preferring to remain in the apparent safety of our programmed darkness we miss the liberating life and wholeness of the visiting Light.

There’s one thing for sure: we cannot escape the Presence of the Tao/Logos even if we bury our heads in the psychic sand of our fragmented self. When we chose to open our eyes to Ultimate Reality, tired of our days of darkness, our whole world will take on a new splendour. Like a previously shuttered window now opened to the stream of sunshine and its generating warmth, our cold, dried out soul will welcome the transforming Life of the Tao/Logos. No longer will life be a struggle to survive in the jungle of our misperceived reality but a joyful Dance in the Eternal Light, a wild abandon to the underpinning Love that holds the whole space-time thing together. A Presence that now carries the illusory load of our fear filled psyche, One in which we can lie back and kick off the shoes of Self Effort and religious duty.

Dylan’s Author page ~ https://www.amazon.com/author/dylanmorrison

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